
Posted: martes, mayo 04, 2010 by Adrian Olam in Etiquetas:

7 comentarios:

  1. saturn-oh says:

    Home is where your heart (attack) is.

  1. Anónimo says:

    Odios esa sombra, odio esa sombra, odio esa sombra, odio esa sombra.

  1. Adrian Olam says:

    And Saturno just gave EVERYONE a peek of things to come. *Wink* *wink*

  1. Unknown says:

    Fear is a renewable resource. For all I know, you could still choose to see the bright side of your condition. Unless I turn my room-mate into a zombie, or I make a very very good AI in C++, you will always be able to 'get at me'.

  1. Adrian Olam says:

    You are the tinder. Fear is the spark.

    La luminiscencia producto de - por ejemplo- temer proyecta sombras.
    Así, una pared blanca y vacía o un camino largo y sin recorrer, se transforman y nos transforman, a la peligrosa luz del miedo y del dolor.
    Qué pasa si trazas en tinta esos caminos que las sombras no dejan escapar? Que pasa si prolongas Como asintota, tu sombra hasta el horizonte?

    El miedo te ha develado que por ti mismo, estas revelado.
    Sin conceptos y materia que abandonar y de las cuales pender, no hay un miedo que las proyecte y nos brinde un mapa para, qué se yo, alguna interesante expedición.
    Sin percibirte erguido y colapsable sobre el piso, el miedo es incapaz de tirar sobre el suelo la única linea que ciertamente, es capaz de tocar el horizonte.

    Tengo miedo.
    Tanto tengo.

    ( La imagen de las sombras esta bien ilustrada en la Nada 37.)

  1. saturn-oh says:

    "Fear not only 'fear itself', But oh so very^80 much more" That's what you said. You also said "no more math for you today, big boy." But I don't take orders from anyone but my libido.

    The word "very" is an adverb used for emphasis. In this particular case a single "very" would one-up the already emphatic much. And the final "more", that's just (in-your-own-terms) overkill.

    The total amount of things we should fear would look something like this.

    limit of (e^80)(m)x + n, when m goes to your expectations of large and n to the radius of your comfort zone.

    The graph of that function fucked up my graphing software. Three times. Finally it worked, the correct term for what happened next is "rofl". Utterly incalculable things make me feel safe, ironically. I'm appealing to that part of you right now, for I'm afraid of one thing in specific out of the myriads of possibilities.

    I have much more to say about fear, but it is fear itself that holds my tongue.


  1. 3.1414 says:

    xoxoxoxo ;P