
Posted: domingo, mayo 02, 2010 by Adrian Olam in Etiquetas:

Alge, Saturno.

5 comentarios:

  1. saturno says:

    Entonces tampoco se puede tener una normal.

    No sé quien se va a reir menos, si los que entiendan o los que no. I love it when you come to tha hood dawg.

  1. Adrian Olam says:

    With this and many others, I'm harnessing the sheer power and strenght of AN.
    Why, how and to whom does it speak? When does it reach there where you stand?

    Though grasping those frail trails certainly is alluring, I'm afraid the answers might latch on to me. Asunder do they tear me apart.

    Going to bed now. Rebelling in that AN - from me, from You - speaks to me as a vectorial emo; a madman gone sane; analitical anarchist. A human being with more or less hope.

    Good night and thank you all!

  1. Unknown says:

    Quoting Kierkegaard, the problem of life is not an issue to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
    His words are profound and might point to the same place. World-views tend to be packaged with actions that 'ought to be done'. "For what?" or "Why?" you may ask, a question for which the believer doesn't merely have an answer, he has an embodied enthusiasm that comes together with it.Philosophies of life, are invariably too, philosophies of action. When seen through a coloured lens, the world has a meaning, precisely because there is something to be done. It is in this understanding that we can give sense to the idea that life has an intrinsic direction and intensity. Depending on how much individuation, perseverance and eccentricity is required to accommodate our duties along with our daily activities, life is more or less 'a problem'.
    Take away the coloured lens, and all you have is a luminous blur of undifferentiated existence. It is here that the only undomesticable truth reveals itself; reality transcends meaning, and as such, life couldn't be but meaningless.
    It is a curious paradox of action, that many of us have a high regard for the acquisition of the deep truths, for superhuman efforts can be done in the name of having a clearer view which in turn disregards the importance of these efforts.

  1. saturno says:

    Wittgenstein comes to mind.

  1. Alf says:

    Por eso no la podemos representar con una flechita.