7 comentarios:
Dig up the pieces of that which you formerly considered "life"; they assemble, belong together in ways that fragmentation renders hopeless, past and fateless. Now signify. Resignify them.
Cracks become paths; rupture, the way to abundance.
An explosion tears up apart Things into the things that become Them; see in an untimely rapture, a sudden death,the ways and means to reboot from the dust that settles.
Recall yourself from within the recoil of that which you considered "death".
It's about time now.
[!] Ahora sí, ésto, es comunicación. Afortunadamente, se sigue moviendo!
No se mueve...es decir, mas, por eso, entonces, sin embargo, a pesar de lo anterior, asimismo, se entiende qué es lo que se mueve.
contraespejo: escritura sin instrucciones básicas, puertas abiertas a la desobediencia, a la paciencia, al vivir, riomalo oirolam, olam oir, pigmento colorido que se mueve entre la emoción a través de lo impar capaz de hacerlo todo al derecho y al revés...
"It's alive!!!"